Tuesday, 31 December 2013

GCSE project qualification

I was thinking how I could fit G&T into my T&L role.   How about a project qualification, completed by students, and is equal to half a GCSE?  This would extend and enhance any area of the curriculum already being studied. 
I have previously been involved with the EPQ at A’ level (equivalent to half an A' level).  The necessary research and project management skills sessions would be delivered to students, and staff involvement would be facilitated.  I know there are schools where each member of staff successfully supervising a student is paid a small sum of money on completion. Year 10 students could start their project and sessions around Easter, with the majority of the project being completed over the summer and then finally submitted in January the following year.
The link below takes you to the Edexcel project qualification page.  AQA also have a version outlined below.
Specification at a glance
The Level 2 Higher Project is a Level 2 qualification introduced in September 2008. Learners may choose to take the Level 2 Higher Project Qualification as an extension of studies for any other qualifications at Level 2 (GCSE, VRQ, BTEC, other academic or vocational qualifications including Modern Apprenticeships).
The Level 2 Higher Project will develop and extend from one or more of the learner's study areas and/or from an area of personal interest or activity outside their main programme of study. It will be based on a topic chosen by the learner(s) and agreed as appropriate by the centre.
Delivery of the Level 2 Higher Project Qualification in centres will involve some teaching of the necessary skills, supervision and assessment of the learner's prpgress. It will involve extended autonomous work by the learner. It will require in total 60 guided learning hours.
Learners are required, with appropriate supervision, to:
·         choose an area of interest
·         draft a title and aims of the project for formal approval by the centre
·         plan, research and carry out the project
·         deliver a presentation to a specified audience
·         provide evidence of all stages of project development and production for assessment.

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