Sunday, 5 January 2014

Teachmeet Stoke-on-Trent

TeachMeet Stoke-on-Trent

So, why put on a teachmeet for Stoke?
After taking to Twitter as my Personal Learning Network (PLN) back in August 2013 and quickly becoming addicted to my daily diet of virtual teaching and learning, I soon wanted to go to a Teachmeet. 
PLN? Having a PLN is just using social media to 'follow' other users and be inspired by the ideas and activities they are using in their classroom. The beauty of it is that you can quickly see what your colleagues in the next classroom or across the world are doing and they will freely allow you to
share all of their best ideas.  If you want to contribute and share your original or old activities that work, then your PLN becomes a powerful tool for your own reflection, but you don't have to if you don't want!    A teachwhat?  A Teachmeet is FREE, informal and innovative continuing professional development (CPD), and the main thing is hearing stories about learning from teachers; real narratives of practice that have made a difference in the classroom.  You can find out about all the events which are going on in the country through this website.
The closest teachmeets I could find were in Birmingham with a lot of action in the south of England and Yorkshire.  You'll notice from the link above that their are a few closer to home; Stockport, Warrington, Blackpool and the Wirral all have events coming up in spring 2014.

They say you never forget your first Teachmeet and mine was  "Teachmeet Brum at Xmas"  which was exactly what it said on the tin.  There was christmas food, free raffle prizes, networking and most importantly some great CPD:  I even picked up a few ICT tips for example putting filetype: ppt or doc or pdf etc on the end of your google search term to bring up all the files of that type.  So typing in crude oil filetype: ppt will bring up a shed load of power points on crude oil

Teachmeet Stoke-on-Trent will kick off with a great keynote speaker followed by a series of seven-minute micro presentations, three-minute nano presentations and some fantastic free raffle prizes and refreshments at break-time with networking opportunities.

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