Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Future Leaders Cohort '14, Week Two

Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Week 1
Week 2

Virtual school moved into its final and most challenging sessions.  We had to analyse the performance of staff at the virtual school and prepare to take on the actors and actresses  who played the parts of Otterley and Chestnut staff as well as various other stakeholders (e.g. Reverend Bell and the bus driver are two characters which stick in my mind!) at the Made Up Academy Trust (MUAT).

Below is a copy of my own notes: They are just notes!

Week 2 foundations 
Final DAY
Fred and Gemma networking. See pic. 
Fred Paxton and 'Future Leaders Onlin
Everything seems to be on flip ie events
Remember study tour career support day and residential weekend as well as 4 training events. 
Market place people On there have proven school impact initiatives.  We already have 5 peer credits and 4 premium credits. Lots of specific help out there. 
Anna Horvai and magda stepien
See pic of journey schedule type thing. 
The Future Leader Journey
Mock application and interview dec jan not for everyone by mandatory for internal candidates and those who haven't yet secured SLT. 
Residency calendar laminate also LOOK at previous assessed IIs ie make sure you join the assessment group.
Heath has done a lot of my work here by putting together a summary of all the slides.  This powerpoint is on Box, currently the latest thing uploaded, 27.8.14.

Guidance and planning 14Aug Mandi Street & Richard Green
See pic. Lencioni triangle effective teams are buil on trust etc etc in his book he talks about building trust ie leaders go first building conflict ie look how conflict is healthy 

First impressions and importance of first SLT meeting and first 35 days. 
Likhon talked about FL over the summer and how is going to change the school. General election reference (how not to deliver your intro speech) and 
Sarah Bailey. If I haven't met you then I will get round to see you soon and thank you to (insert specific person) for info and we'll be looking forward with that.  I met some kids earlier  and they told me ...  Please let me know your thoughts.  (good way to deliver...)

Culture progression and application are the three main ways if thinking over curriculum purposE. 
See pic. We worked through what we want ur kids to have and how we provide this. Then Heath handed us the Nat curriculum  In England.   We should really design a curriculum the way we just did see pic THEN have a look at this doc. 
See questions on slide. See pic from 13 aug

Kevin moloney and lyn fryer
Mentoring is structured and sustained for sig career transitions. 
Coaching structured sustained but for a specific aspect of   Professional ....
Senior leaders need to work more through others opposed to middle leaders who feel thy have the expertise and time etc
We reflected on what  qualities our best line managers had. We looked at softer ones first like approachable, supportive listener shared vision but then got harder such as challenging holding to account and credibility. Also consistency. Will need to think about all these in different measures. Start with where people are, not where you think they are. 
Think people will remember how you made them feel. 
Sarah told us about the primary pe teacher. 
Kavina also told us:
Ask the person you are line managing to do a SWOT which will help give them ownership before the meeting. 
Leadership is 80% relationships and 20% relationships. 

We looked at an unfavourable outcome to a situation. 3 things: fact emotions and actions where we looked at body language which changes and we should try and do things before hand which will ensure body language matches your intended outcome. 
Silence does the heavy lifting. Don't feel you have to fill every gap. 
Be careful of using the word why. Blame attribution. 
Meeting agenda. Phrase each point as a question. 
See pic 11Aug on which type of coaching to use with people in each quadrant. 
Skills / Motivation Matrix
Fierce conversation 'Susan Scott' 
1 name the issue
2 select specific eg that illustrates the behaviour or situation you want to change. 
3 describe how u feel. Use the values of the academy. 
4 clarify what is at stake 
5 add ur contribution to the prob
6 indicate ur wish to resolve the problem 
7 invite them to respond; gain their views (listen/ask Qs). 

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