Friday 20 May 2016

Independent learning: Leading by example

Independent learning: Leading by example
Image: iStock

In a bid to boost independent learning skills, raise aspirations and build relationships, teachers at Saint Thomas More Academy led by example. Dave Rankin explains
I could never have imagined that starting work in a new school would lead to me becoming a magician.
I began my first substantive senior leadership role as assistant headteacher in charge of staff development, CPD and NQTs in September 2015.
I was thoroughly looking forward to the challenges of these roles but I also wanted to see if I could also make an impact on students’ independent learning. This was an agreed priority on the school improvement plan which stated that “independent learning should have a positive impact on student achievement and attitudes to learning”. And so began my path towards the conjuring arts...
A far cry from Hogwarts, Saint Thomas More Catholic Academy is a secondary school serving Longton, Stoke-on-Trent. This is one of the most deprived areas in England and unsurprisingly we are above average for Pupil Premium students. The school was judged as requiring improvement in teaching quality and pupil achievement in May 2015.
There seemed to be many barriers to pupil achievement. Many pupils, and even some teachers, had fixed mind-sets about what they could achieve. In many cases, pupils lacked positive role-models who they could relate to and there was a lack of cultural capital.
Pupils told me that it was individual teachers who made the biggest difference to their motivation in lessons rather than whether they were passionate about the subject itself. My new colleagues said that many pupils needed “spoon-feeding” because they could not take responsibility for their own learning.
I wanted to prove that this is all smoke and mirrors and that we could ignite a cultural shift where all of our pupils wanted to aspire for more and work hard. It is vital to have high expectations for students and to accept no excuses for underachievement – instead focusing on what we should try next. Applying and modelling these values as school leaders means that we are always returning to the mission to raise the achievement of children, regardless of background.
I was determined to create a culture where pupils would feel a sense of pride in their own achievements and where teachers fostered genuine passion rather than breaking work down into pixie-sized pieces.
First, I spoke to all staff about “concerted cultivation”, and how this type of parenting, often practised by middle class parents, leads to improved relationships with adults and better attitudes to learning. It would take extra effort on our part to build the strong relationships with students that would enable them to focus on working hard.
My plan was to approach the issue from two angles: inspiring every member of the school to independently learn a new skill and then using this to encourage all pupils to be more independent in the classroom.
Inspiring everyone in the school – staff and students – to learn a new skill was vital to the project because it would help to build positive relationships between adults and young people.
This began with the headteacher and senior leadership team sharing which new skill they would learn with the rest of the staff, and continued with members of teaching and support staff having a photo taken demonstrating them learning their new skill so that pupils could see staff modelling the initiative.
One colleague even let her tutor group choose her new skill from the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award skills list. They suggested that she should learn Urdu and I have seen her trying out her new skill with pupils around the school.
I pledged to learn “conjuring and magic” and I let everyone know that I would test my new skill by performing in public in the summer. A fantastic surprise was to find I wasn’t the only one with a few tricks up my sleeve – several of our students have shown me their own tricks with me and I regularly get asked for impromptu displays of magic at break and lunchtimes.
We have also had staff training sessions focused on conquering challenging behaviour for effective learning. This included a strong message: “Do not underestimate the importance of building relationships through after-school clubs – and these should not just be about PE!”
With this in mind, I let staff know there would be a huge poster of activities going up in the dining hall to help promote clubs and support pupils in choosing and committing to a new skill. This led to many exciting clubs being offered, such as Lego, knitting, running, horticulture and, of course, magic!
Encouraging pupils to be more independent in the classroom meant launching the initiative in assemblies to all year groups and bringing in inspirational speakers who had worked hard to become successful in their own right.
Greig Trout, an inspirational double cancer survivor and founder of 101 Things To Do When You Survive, delivered a talk to our spellbound year 11 and 6th form pupils about positive visualisation and the buzz you get when you first realise you are going to achieve your own goals. The marketing director from a leading international supermarket talked about the secrets of successful people and the importance of hard work and being self-motivated.
The student council also generated ideas for the independent learning campaign and came up with inspirational figureheads and some eye-catching logos to go with the simple slogan “Brain, Book, Buddy, Boss”. These were used on everything from posters in every classroom to competition flyers and large screen televisions around the school.
During briefings and through department meetings, I frequently reminded staff that we can’t just wave a magic wand. Getting pupils to be more independent and learning new skills requires perseverance and should be explicitly modelled by us to ensure our young people take up the challenge.
Trying to change to a learning mind-set is important, and it will hopefully have an impact on this year’s GCSE results and beyond, but it can be difficult to quantify. I had a few different ideas on how to measure “independence”, but I wanted to avoid any extra work such as data entry for already busy teachers – so I decided to use the “Attitude to Learning” system already in place.
Attitude to Learning scores are already entered as numbers 1 to 4 for every pupil, every lesson, where 1 equals outstanding and 4 equals poor. The criteria for an “outstanding” attitude score includes several aspects of independent learning, including using initiative, handing in quality homework, and staying focused on the task.
We made pupils and staff aware that being an independent learner and following the “Brain, Book, Buddy, Boss” posters should be recognised with outstanding scores where appropriate.
During the first six weeks of the initiative, the percentage of outstanding scores have increased. Staff are realising the need to push pupils harder to complete tasks and achieve goals independently. One colleague told me: “My year 8 pupils are finding it difficult; I think they are still giving up too easily, but I am talking with them about ‘Brain, Book, Buddy, Boss’ and explaining that this is how we become stronger learners.”
Other members of staff have said that the initiative is really starting to work and is shifting the mind-set of their classes. I used these anecdotes several weeks into the initiative when I reminded staff that this is where it gets difficult: when the novelty wears off, we have to persevere with the work or we cannot make it stick.
We have made a small investment in a some shiny bronze, silver and gold badges to reward pupils for their effort with independent learning. I have asked form tutors to record the progress of pupils’ new skills on a shared spreadsheet and then I have linked individual progress and percentage of outstanding scores to the bronze, silver or gold award. For example, to get the silver badge pupils need to have 60 per cent outstanding for the half-term and they should have proved to their tutor that they have started to make good progress with their pledged skill.
Hopefully, as more students start to see the rewards and benefits of being independent, the uptake of skills and the positive relationships with staff will continue to grow and in the summer we will celebrate by making a video showing off all of our new skills.
I have been asking the question “what is independent learning?” to several pupils recently and just before we finished for the last half-term break I sat and listened to a year 9 girl, often a reluctant learner, as she told me her understanding of the term.
She said: “It is very important that we have tried as hard as possible to work something out for ourselves, because the teacher won’t always be there.”
Realising the message was getting through, I gave her a hearty “thank you” and disappeared with a swish of my invisibility cloak.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Revisiting the Mission

Friday 20th and Saturday the 21st November 2015.
The FL 2014 cohort came back together to reconnect with each other and the FL mission!
We began at 1730 on Friday with a problem solving team building PSTB session led by our LDA, Steve Hawke.  The two problems we chose to investigate were centred around year 11 behaviour and difficult colleagues.   Both problem owners took away a flipchart page full of ideas, benefits and concerns.  We discussed mobile phones and were reminded of the technique were you put in a harsh policy, fully intending to pull back.
Something I hadn't heard of: temporary exclusion at another school!
Saturday started with a cooked breakfast in the restaurant (I need more of these in my life) before moving to the main hall for a talk led by Kate Chhatwal:

This session reminded me of a huge number of very useful networking ideas and impact leverage!
I made a to-do list!  Join ASCL; magpie some slides for my latest burning platform on cultural capital (my impact this year is going to be increasing this among our students).  The Mulberry School for Gurls was mentioned and the fact that the girls are going on a reciprocal visit to the White House which reminded me to get maximum value and exposure for inspiring visitors to our own school.

We then moved onto the two main learning sessions (2.5 hours each) we were asked to opt into.  My choices were:

Performance management including disciplinary (Cath Hayes).
Although the name of the session may not be all that inspiring, Cath certainly got the point across with a blend of instruction and humour which kept the whole group enthralled.  Cath made me think about the people depending on you (as Headteacher) for their jobs and being able to pay their own mortgages!  She talked about having the conversations before relying on the capability policy; ensure you go in and display the 'do-now plan' and the 'medium term plan'; "you need to look people in the eye and know you have done your best for them".
I was sat near Craig Avieson who always inspires me and fires golden nuggets like a machine gun!

And we talked about recruiting new staff, he said "you need to consider working with what you've got as it is quicker"  Cath referred to a school and said that she "didn't lose a single member of staff - I worked with them"; "believe in your staff".
We went through case studies involving the different procedures:

  • Disciplinary - Gross misconduct; pushing a child; falsifying information
  • Grievance
  • Capability - Underperformance
  • Sickness / Absence
Cath said that she always bundles policies together at the start of the year and gets staff to sign for them - making those conversations down the line much easier!
Just a note to myself - remember support plans / informal stages of capability- the letter you send says you can't bring along a union rep because it is informal.  
When you get to review time in Jan / Feb get people to take ownership of their targets by asking to bring along evidence and let's see if we would be successful at this stage in the year.
Cost effective staff?  Remember Cath's table!
The scenarios given by Cath were interesting.  I have saved

Coaching - Leading and influencing  (Liz Robinson)

Liz skilfully took Nick Zienau's '7 tools' and allowed us to explore them using our own ideas.  A really good session which gave me a couple of take aways on some of the things I shared and made me feel enabled to go and try out the things we learnt.  I believe the seven tools takes coaching to another level and we were lucky enough to take away a quick guide... I will be using this a great deal starting tomorrow morning!
This video of Nick is a summary

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Future Leaders Cohort '14, Week Two

Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Week 1
Week 2

Virtual school moved into its final and most challenging sessions.  We had to analyse the performance of staff at the virtual school and prepare to take on the actors and actresses  who played the parts of Otterley and Chestnut staff as well as various other stakeholders (e.g. Reverend Bell and the bus driver are two characters which stick in my mind!) at the Made Up Academy Trust (MUAT).

Below is a copy of my own notes: They are just notes!

Week 2 foundations 
Final DAY
Fred and Gemma networking. See pic. 
Fred Paxton and 'Future Leaders Onlin
Everything seems to be on flip ie events
Remember study tour career support day and residential weekend as well as 4 training events. 
Market place people On there have proven school impact initiatives.  We already have 5 peer credits and 4 premium credits. Lots of specific help out there. 
Anna Horvai and magda stepien
See pic of journey schedule type thing. 
The Future Leader Journey
Mock application and interview dec jan not for everyone by mandatory for internal candidates and those who haven't yet secured SLT. 
Residency calendar laminate also LOOK at previous assessed IIs ie make sure you join the assessment group.
Heath has done a lot of my work here by putting together a summary of all the slides.  This powerpoint is on Box, currently the latest thing uploaded, 27.8.14.

Guidance and planning 14Aug Mandi Street & Richard Green
See pic. Lencioni triangle effective teams are buil on trust etc etc in his book he talks about building trust ie leaders go first building conflict ie look how conflict is healthy 

First impressions and importance of first SLT meeting and first 35 days. 
Likhon talked about FL over the summer and how is going to change the school. General election reference (how not to deliver your intro speech) and 
Sarah Bailey. If I haven't met you then I will get round to see you soon and thank you to (insert specific person) for info and we'll be looking forward with that.  I met some kids earlier  and they told me ...  Please let me know your thoughts.  (good way to deliver...)

Culture progression and application are the three main ways if thinking over curriculum purposE. 
See pic. We worked through what we want ur kids to have and how we provide this. Then Heath handed us the Nat curriculum  In England.   We should really design a curriculum the way we just did see pic THEN have a look at this doc. 
See questions on slide. See pic from 13 aug

Kevin moloney and lyn fryer
Mentoring is structured and sustained for sig career transitions. 
Coaching structured sustained but for a specific aspect of   Professional ....
Senior leaders need to work more through others opposed to middle leaders who feel thy have the expertise and time etc
We reflected on what  qualities our best line managers had. We looked at softer ones first like approachable, supportive listener shared vision but then got harder such as challenging holding to account and credibility. Also consistency. Will need to think about all these in different measures. Start with where people are, not where you think they are. 
Think people will remember how you made them feel. 
Sarah told us about the primary pe teacher. 
Kavina also told us:
Ask the person you are line managing to do a SWOT which will help give them ownership before the meeting. 
Leadership is 80% relationships and 20% relationships. 

We looked at an unfavourable outcome to a situation. 3 things: fact emotions and actions where we looked at body language which changes and we should try and do things before hand which will ensure body language matches your intended outcome. 
Silence does the heavy lifting. Don't feel you have to fill every gap. 
Be careful of using the word why. Blame attribution. 
Meeting agenda. Phrase each point as a question. 
See pic 11Aug on which type of coaching to use with people in each quadrant. 
Skills / Motivation Matrix
Fierce conversation 'Susan Scott' 
1 name the issue
2 select specific eg that illustrates the behaviour or situation you want to change. 
3 describe how u feel. Use the values of the academy. 
4 clarify what is at stake 
5 add ur contribution to the prob
6 indicate ur wish to resolve the problem 
7 invite them to respond; gain their views (listen/ask Qs). 

Future Leaders Cohort '14, Week One.

Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Week 2

The virtual school sessions really took off this week starting with a SWOT analysis and followed by strategic improvement and change management plans.  We had a great opportunity to put into practice some of the skills while we were still learning.
Below, I have just included some of the stuff which will be immediately useful for writing the Impact Initiative.

Stuart Kime (CEM, Durham University) Said that "By not evaluating, we lose the knowledge of what we are doing" and "Embed evaluation at the beginning rather than adding as an afterthought" This document (put together by Stuart and Professor Robert Coe) EEF DIY Evaluation guide is a user-friendly which should really help with planning the impact initiative. and other school interventions.
Research, evidence, impact - 'Do we value that which can be measured, or find ways to measure that which we value?' Liz Robinson
Qualitative measurements:

Firstly Pupil Attitudes to Self and School  (PASS)
This is the flyer which says   "The fully standardised PASS survey comprises a series of short psychometric
questions, looking at nine attitudinal factors, proven to be significantly linked
to key educational goals."

. . . and secondly: promises to:
  • Prove to funders what you've achieved
  • Gather evidence to improve your services
  • Save time and resources
  • Get a high quality validation of your work 

Monday 25 August 2014

Future Leaders Cohort '14, Weekend Two.

Future Leaders Cohort '14, Weekend Two.

"The best teachers are performers"  Heath Monk

This was the weekend the 2014 Cohort were told to "fail here!" and that we should rehearse, take the feedback, get the confidence to perform and write a stump speech to return to over the coming years.  Make the mistakes now while still  on Foundations.

Leadership behaviours, Drew Duncan and Anne Barton

Drew's delivery was hugely engaging and entertaining, and after a video introduction to his school he shared loads of advice and ideas on leadership traits.  He explained that honesty, competency and forward looking are three very important ones but they won't work unless you have credibility so make sure that nobody is more punctual than you and that your lessons are outstanding etc etc.  Your default positions will surface and you need someone to let you know when these undesirable traits appear i.e. in times of stress. Drew went on to say "People are not aligned to anything they do not own.  You can't just model leadership behaviour, then people follow. No. You must embed the values, align others with your values then personify the values on a bad day.  Watch what you say, always and everywhere." 

Exemplary leadership behaviours. Anne Barton and Drew Duncan

Anne talked about 'challenging the process', taking risks and modelling the way. She said "Getting all 1200 students into assembly gives teachers confidence, if they're having trouble with particular groups, that it can be done".  Every child can behave.
Priorities for your school.

On Saturday morning we had a leadership perspectives session with Heath, where we received our Dimensions report.  According to the report my personality type is  INTP: basically that I'm quiet, like to solve complex problems, analytical, apply logic and independent minded.  I feel that this is a fair reflection but more importantly it emphasises that I will need to rely on others in my team that have the personality traits lacking in my profile. 
As Peter Hughes said on weekend one: 
"Find out what you are rubbish at, then employ someone to do it."

Shakespeare Schools Festival
We practised using the 'Prepare, Play, Organise, Present, Reflect' method for rehearsing and presenting our speech.
And we used this 'I notice, I like and I wonder' method to give feedback to each other.

Articulating your vision
This is a draft of my stump speech as I prepared it for the sunday morning. I then delivered this to the rest of my coaching group (see picture below) as part of the virtual school task for the Made Up Academy Trust (MUAT).

Imagine for a moment, that you are the new principal of the Wilby Community Academy, and you have this AMAZING opportunity to bring together our two schools;   (pause)  you've heard, that staff morale has been very low;  and there is uncertainty about what the merger will mean for their roles;  several senior leaders have left and many staff are concerned that an all-through  academy is not for them.  On top of that, You’re academy is in an area of high deprivation, and many families have had poor educational experiences themselves.   (pause)     How do you successfully merge two schools like this into one highly achieving all-through academy of excellence?
The answer is YOU can’t.   (pause)    YOU must work with the whole community, you have to rely on your team of staff.  And those individual staff members who have already shown a great deal of true resilience and dogged determination!
As you may be aware, I have recently been involved with success at two academies in challenging circumstances.  What was it?  -   that turned these academies around?   (paause)      It was about a body of staff having high expectations and no excuses; it was about the emergence of middle and senior leaders from a talented team of staff.  (pause)   And now, it’s September once again, a chance to start a fresh and look to the future with hope;    that we can help our students to succeed and reinvigorate the community.
Let me share our vision for the academy:“At Wilby Community Academy our vision is to work with our community to empower all learners with the skills, habits and beliefs to achieve excellence in school, university and life beyond.”
There will be changes, and I am very clear about the fact, that WE will need people to lead these changes.  We’re looking for people to step up, take risks, and show US that you are prepared to do the hard work,  and most of all, have the interests of our young learners at heart.
We we will be building on the good things already happening here (pause)   Learners in the Early Years Foundation Stage get good support for their personal development and their speaking and listening skills.
Learners are proud of their school, and movement around the schools is calm, and sensible creating a warm and positive atmosphere.  Standards in various disciplines, in both schools have been improving because teaching is improving, and the governing bodies understand our need for improvement in English and literacy, across the academy.
I would now like to share with you, our core values, (pause) and they are non-negotiable:we commit to attendance, perseverance and independence.we aspire to achieve, succeed and excel.we respect ourselves, each other and the community.and as a community we commit, aspire and respect together.

Steve, David, Grainne, Khadeja, Myself, Jenny, Kush, Kiran and Tracey:                                                                               The West Midlands Cohort

Many of us have children of our own; and we have high expectations of them.   Imagine a situation, where families see the importance of education, the need for regular attendance, punctuality and the completion of homework.    (pause)   They see the value of education.  It would make our job a whole lot,    easier.  However, when the opposite is true, it makes our job a whole lot more,       important.  We don't just have a professional duty here – we have a MORAL duty to help break this cycle of educational disadvantage.
In short, if you want to work in a school where we respect all members of the community, then this school is for you.  If you want to join in with the promise to commit to a compelling vision, then this is the school for you, and if you want to aspire to achieve greatness and help others to do the same, then this school is for you and you are welcome on-board!
I think the 'burning platform' in this scenario is the cycle of educational disadvantage but I could have added that if the number of students on roll is falling then redundancies could follow.    Burning platform is based on putting fear into people that the status quo is going to lead to dire consequences whereas another option would be to try and share a vision so compelling it becomes irresistible and people buy-in to the vision and values to achieve greatness rather than merely avoiding mediocrity.

Patrick Lencioni The Five Dysfunctions of a Team:  Heath asked us to look up this book before Foundations week one in August and suggested that we get into these conflicts when we return in the summer because we now have trust in our groups.

According to the book, the five dysfunctions are:

  • Absence of trust—unwilling to be vulnerable within the group
  • Fear of conflict—seeking artificial harmony over constructive passionate debate
  • Lack of commitment—feigning buy-in for group decisions creates ambiguity throughout the organization
  • Avoidance of accountability—ducking the responsibility to call peers on counterproductive behavior which sets low standards
  • Inattention to results—focusing on personal success, status and ego before team success

Thursday 3 July 2014

Future Leaders Cohort '14, Foundations Training Weekend One.

Future Leaders Cohort '14, Weekend One.

"...trying to make a country where every child goes to a good school."  Jay Altman

"Habits bypass decision-making and go straight to action."  Taken from a rather good blog post (link at the bottom of this page).

Impossible as it may seem, I have tried to capture the things I learnt from the speakers Ben, Jay, Heath and, of course, everyone else at the first Cohort '14 weekend. I would very much welcome feedback, especially if I have misunderstood or misrepresented a vital nugget. I've probably only captured a tiny percentage of the experience here, and hopefully I'll be in position to go and catch the rest of it as a peer mentor soon!
Weekend 2
Week 1 
Week 2

Sunday:  Ben Marcovitz and the Hiring Cheat Sheet

Cultural coherence and alignment around shared values.
Ben talked on Saturday about the importance of culture and how to change cultures for the better - he used some useful allegories and examples such as the man bailing out water from his boat, the elevator and the supermarket.  Different cultures come about because of the dominant ideology such as personal fulfilment in New York or efficiency in the case of the elevator.  Having belief, such as "in just four years, you'll be ready for college regardless" is essential for building a positive culture.  Strong purpose and values are also essential, and culture is about belonging, protection and family links - like gangs. 

The mission is the 'what' and it must be R-Rated meaning it should seem impossible to outsiders and barely achievable to those inside the organisation. Isn't this is all starting to sound quite familiar,  a bit like Future Leaders?   One complex sentence is the key - if it's easy to remember, it's easy to communicate!  It should also be razor sharp, binary and if you can't change the mission then perhaps call it your vision.  Alternatively you could interpret your vision to suit different situations.  The Mission at Sci Academy states that all children will aspire to college, but you could replace 'college' here for 'the most rigorous scholastic opportunity'.
The reasons behind our values - "staff need clarity of vision to get buy-in"

After the mission came the values (the how), and we looked at how to derive these: think about the limiting behaviours, flip these and now we have the key drivers for the mission.  Turn these into words like perseverance, dedication, creativity and determination and there you have it!

     "Leaders model the core values - you have to model them way
                                                                before anyone else"

What will the vision actually look like on the ground?  This is where we develop the routines, language, systems and incentives - or put another way - the artefacts.  Microscripting the artefacts leads to clarity of vision.  

Social norms and artefacts - "Routines remove barriers to learning" and "Staff need to know why we are doing it - everyone does"

"With social norms you can focus all of your energy on teaching and learning."  
Did you know:  The Sony Corporation was formed (presumably based on a set of core values) and then they said "so what are we going to make?"

Social Norms
 "Structure liberates."  Sir Michael Wilshaw
"Routines remove barriers to learning"
As a learner, I think that micro scripting how the mission looks on the ground links nicely to the  discussion on social norms, and Jay gave us all many ideas to take away:
Social norms - "This isn't where you can be different - be different on other things, but not this!" 
This next quote is from Jay and it is so important; it is very typical of the way that  such great ideas were put across so effectively over the three days.
"Embedding routines in the first two weeks is the multiplier."  
 "Adjust teachers to the fact that the work is Sisyphean."  (to stop responding in an annoyed tone.)

In Greek mythology:  The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.  (The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus)

"Normalise feedback"  

Leading an effective team

"your best days with the staff should be like your best days with the kids"

Ben clearly demonstrated how to recruit the right staff by alignment to the core values of the organisation.  Throughout the recruitment phase, applicants were given numerous opportunities to opt-in to the core values.  Those applicants who do not opt-in save the work in the long run because they don't need to be aligned or removed in the future.  He also uses the process to identify areas of development for new staff.  Returning staff should be reminded of the mission and values and used to align new staff at the start of the year.
 Increasing alignment year on year - "Exemplar scenarios that fit the values are collated and shared at the start of each year." 

"Only spend on the mission and values"

And just in case you missed it:

 "Structure liberates." 
As a learner, I'm eagerly anticipating weekend two, the chance to network with inspirational leaders and a chance to present our own mission and values. In short, I feel very privileged to be part of this movement for positive change.

This post only captures a fraction of what we learned, but I shall be adding further details as we start to apply our learning on the eagerly anticipated Made Up Academy!

Further reading:  Here's a really rather good blog post on developing classroom habits by

Sunday 12 January 2014

Collaborative learning 2

It's been a week since term started and my classes began their collaborative learning journey as described during my Christmas break, in collaborative learning 1.  I feel, so far that it has added a creative element to my teaching and there is a lot of focussed energy in the room.  Collaboration has naturally coupled with individual work and some didactic teaching from me to give an all round more balanced feel to my classroom.

This post is all about what was confirmed, visualised and found out during the first week.

Post 1:  This is about how and why I will get my students collaborating.
Post 2:  My opinions on how it's going.
Post 3:  Will be my students thoughts on collaborative learning.
Post 4:  Will be about my preparations to deliver staff training.
Post 5:  This will be staff feedback and next steps.

Monday:  I blu-tacked small versions of the seating plan for each class (including my tutor group) onto the window of my classroom door which created an immediate buzz with each class and also got them talking about it before I had had to mention it.  I'm always impressed by how much more compliant and believing people are when something is written down 'in black and white' rather than when just spoken (think Daily Mail, think instructions in class).  

Predictably however, there have been about as many questions over the seating plans as there usually is.  I have stuck solidly to my stock answer which goes something like "Yes, that's a really good idea, I'm sure you would work much harder sat next to so and so, and we'll be reviewing the plan at Easter!". 

What has really happened then?  The team starters, team building and competition element has been brilliant.  I suppose you're always onto a winner there, everyone loves a bit of that.  I was surprised though, how well the team building opened up the classroom; we started to ask each other questions about anything you like/dislike and how many people agreed.  A style of teaching completely out of the ordinary for me but questions were coming up like 'do you have a big family?' which lead onto pastimes and hobbies and students taking a genuine interest in each other, stronger teams were built and the teams were a lot ore receptive to working on the science task with each other.  I found that with year 7 I was saying "right, the next game is. . . ."  and "one more game, and then we'll be ready for break" where games referred to book work, literacy tasks, and matching diagrams with descriptions.  

My task of the week with classes has been to take a set of questions which would normally be completed individually but get the teams to stick their answers onto an A3 sheet in an interesting manner of their choice with each team member tasked to complete the questions commensurate with their ability.  Then we check each others answers with the mark scheme and put them into our books.  Going round to each table, I awarded teams animal stickers rather than levels.  The animal stickers gave me chance to discuss their teamwork. So a spider meant that the team's work is a bit like the beginnings of a web but will come together beautifully and be very effective in the end.  A penguin meant they were working brilliantly as a team; just like penguins huddle together for the greater good, no one left out.  We also had lions, ladybirds, dogs and fish.

For the week ahead, I'm mostly excited about my deputies; I've noticed that having my strongest students in the same place on each team table in every class is allowing me to relay things to the rest of the class easier because I can easily remember where they are.  This is something I'm going to make much more use of, I know that having them on 'my side' will be invaluable because of the knock on effect with the rest of the students who are infinitely more influenced by their peers that the teacher. Fact! 

I also need to get each class to fill in a team work survey to evaluate the new approach.